P&C Swim Club nights are held each Friday night during Terms 1 and 4. There is a free swim from 5:45pm with events starting at 6pm, and BBQ and canteen available. Parents must attend to supervise their swimmers, and volunteers are essential for club nights to run - we need all families to take turns across a variety of roles to ensure club nights run smoothly!
There is a $50 membership fee for each swimmer, which will help to cover running costs, lifeguard costs and the end of season awards and celebration in Term 1. All school age swimmers from the local area are welcome!
Each swimmer needs to be nominated each week in their preferred events, via the Swim Club Connect External link Meet Manager app. This app has a small subscription fee, but allows the swim club to arrange heats, sign up volunteers, time races and keep track of personal bests with ease. Click here for registration instructions.External link If you have any questions please contact Miriam on email fridaynightswimclub@isspandc.org.au or come along for a trial.