Code of conduct
Respect the rights and feelings of others.
Treat others with respect and courtesy.
Care for and respect personal, school and other people’s property.
Uphold the good image of the school.
Behaviour management
Consistent with the requirements of the education department’s policy on the Code of School Behaviour, our school has established a Student Code of Conduct which aims:
to support responsible behaviour that acknowledges and protects mutual rights
to enhance the development of positive and productive relationships through the provision of a supportive and stimulating learning environment.
To achieve our goals, we strive to establish and maintain an environment in which the dignity and worth of each individual, quality interpersonal relationships and fair and just practices are valued. We work to eliminate harassment, bullying, inappropriate language, aggression and other socially unacceptable behaviours.
At our school, we focus on instilling a set of core values into the daily life and actions of each child. The Indooroopilly State School Values education program underpins all our behaviour management practices as we aim to teach children to take responsibility for their own choices and actions. Our school’s core values have been identified by the school community and underpin all school activities. Our school motto, 'Honour Above All' has been used as the structure of our six values:
Honest - be sincere and truthful.
Optimistic - be positive and do your best to achieve your goals.
Nurturing - care for self, property, the environment and support others.
Organised - take ownership and be a self managed learner. Strive for excellence.
Understanding - celebrate the uniqueness of others to ensure the success belongs to us all.
Respectful - treat our School and each other with respect and show regard for its values and diversity.
We strive to incorporate Values education in our day to day learning environment in a meaningful and relevant way.