2024 P&C Executive Committee
PRESIDENT: Stephanie Finemore
Luciana Massi- Environment and Sustainability
Bridgette Basnayt- Engagement and Communications
Shabnam Zamani- Parent Respresentative
Matt Jesson- Traffic Management
Sally Huynh
SECRETARY: Shelley Wilkinson
CONTACT: secretary@isspandc.org.au
The Indooroopilly State School Parents & Citizens Association (ISS P&C) is a vital part of life at our school. The ISS P&C has a productive partnership with the School Leadership Team and its Community to promote the interests of the school and facilitate its development and further improvement to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students.
Throughout the year, parent volunteers work to organise events that not only raise funds, but also create a sense of community and a welcoming and inclusive environment for all families. Funds are directed to major projects and a significant annual school contribution. This allows the school to provide extra resources for learning and play. If you would like to be an active P&C Parent Representative, please complete the Application for P&C Membership and email it to secretary@isspandc.org.au.
You can join your class What's App group to receive messages from our P&C and the Parent Representative from your class. Contact your class Parent Rep to request an invitation. You can also stay updated by following our Indooroopilly State School P&C Association Facebook Page.
Please keep an eye on the School Calendar for fundraising activities and events at the school.
The P&C KPIs:Meetings Dates for 2025
Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month, 6.00-7:30pm, in the school library and/or on Microsoft Teams. Dates are sometimes shifted to allow for special events and public holidays. All are welcome!
6:00 - 7:30pm Monday 24 February (In Library or on Teams)
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 488 208 755 821
Passcode: ddHKvv
Annual General Meeting 6:00 - 7:30pm Monday 24 March (In person only, School Library).
P & C Services
Class Parent Representatives - a vital part of our school community used to connect parents, distribute information to families and generate volunteer support. Please email
secretary@isspandc.org.au for further information.
ISS Magazine - an annual yearbook showcasing classroom and extracurricular highlights. Please contact secretary@isspandc.org.au if you would like to get involved.
Grant sub-committee - each year there are many Government, Council and other grants available for Schools and P&Cs to apply. If you are interested in joining our committee please email secretary@isspandc.org.au.
Clean, Green Team - each Friday morning at 8am our Litter Buster crew of students meet on Singleton Oval. If your child/ren are interested please email secretary@isspandc.org.au.
ISS Swim Club - Swim club is a weekly opportunity for your kids to practice their swimming and racing skills in a fun, family friendly and social environment, during Terms 1 and 4.
Club nights are held each Friday night during these terms. There is a free swim from 5:45pm with events starting at 6pm, and BBQ and canteen available. Parents must attend to supervise their swimmers, and volunteers are essential for club nights to run - we need all families to take turns across a variety of roles to ensure club nights run smoothly!
There is a $50 membership fee for each swimmer, which will help to cover running costs, lifeguard costs and the end of season awards and celebration in Term 1. All school age swimmers from the local area are welcome!
Each swimmer needs to be nominated each week in their preferred events, via the Swim Club Connect Meet Manager app. This app has a small subscription fee, but allows the swim club to arrange heats, sign up volunteers, time races and keep track of personal bests with ease. Click here for registration instructions. If you have any questions please email Miriam- fridaynightswimclub@isspandc.org.au or come along for a trial.