Written notification must be provided with a reasonable explanation for all extended absences. Please note that family holidays should be planned during the 12 weeks of scheduled school holidays. Students should maintain regular attendance at school to benefit from the quality educational program available at our school.
For a short absences of 3-10 school days a QParents absence notification is preferred or parents may complete an absence form for 10 school days or less.
For absences greater than 10 school days parents must submit an application for exemption from compulsory schooling which the Principal will consider. Parents are requested to explain the essential nature and reason for the duration of any proposed extended absences during school term. It is recommended not to commit to plans before the Principal has considered your application. The following conditions that will apply during an exemption is approved- the school is exempt from providing an educational program; class teachers will not provide learning materials or coursework; online resources in regular use by our students may not be accessable from overseas locations; and if students are absent during assessment periods it may not be possible to provide an academic rating on the student's report card.