Detailed information about the onsite outside school hours care service is provided on the Indooroopilly Outside School Hours Care website -
Families interested in OSHC services are encouraged to contact IOSHC prior to enrolling a student, purchasing a property or signing a rental agreement. Please discuss current availability of places and waiting lists and also the timing of the annual expression of interest process for places in the upcoming school year. Please note that school enrolment does not guarantee access to places in IOSHC as there is high demand for the finite places.
IOSHC is an independent outside school hours care service that operates within the grounds of Indooroopilly State School. Their administration operates from the School Hall. All queries regarding the service should be directed to or 3327 2334.
The service is licensed for 285 students. These finite places are governed by the available appropriate spaces and are very heavily subscribed.
The service is a registered Child Care Provider and as such Child Care Benefit is applicable to all fees.
The following services are offered on a permanent booking system, subject to availability of places:
- Before school care 6:30am - 8:45am during school term
- After school care 3:00pm - 6:00pm during school term
- Vacation care 6:30am - 6:00pm during pupil-free days and most school holidays
IOSHC is a separate entity to the school and is operated independently by the Indooroopilly State School Parents and Citizens Association. The service is independent from school control, has its own philosophy, policies and procedures and is responsible for the employment of its own staff and all financial matters.