Classroom Music Lessons
Children in each class across all year levels are provided with weekly music lessons. During music lessons, singing is used to develop reading, writing, performing and listening skills. All year levels learn rhythm, beat and to play musical instruments including ukulele, guitar, boom sticks, bells, recorder and more. Each year the students excitedly look forward to using a new instrument in their music lessons.
Indooroopilly choirs caters for students from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6. Any student, from these year levels, is most welcome to join one of our choirs.
Our choir meet regularly for rehearsal and, as this is a vital part of developing a great sounding choir, your child is encouraged to attend. Attendance at rehearsals also ensures that we are able to attend more performances/competitions/concerts as the whole group of any one choir is well prepared for performance.
The voice is the primary instrument of all musicians and learning to sing in tune reflects in instrumental playing as well as educated listening. Choral development has also been proven to be very important in the development of literacy skills amongst children.
Our school music teacher conducts the choirs, with her skills and knowledge being held in very high regard in the music establishment. Choir rehearsals takes place in the music room and school hall.
From Year 3, Indooroopilly State School students are encouraged to join choral singing groups, which participate in a number of competitive and non-competitive activities throughout the year. Rehearsals are held both before and during school time.
Choir Enrolment
Singing is a joyful experience. It helps to develop self-confidence, team skills and to improve music and academic skills. The Choral program is open to all students in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 and complements the classroom and instrumental programs at Indooroopilly State School. We require everyone to be committed to rehearsals and performances. Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 need a performance uniform (see below) which is available from the uniform shop. Please read the code of conduct with your child before enrolling.
Choir Code of Conduct
I will attend all rehearsals. If I miss a rehearsal, I must provide a written explanation as to my absence signed by my parent/guardian. (No note is required if the child is absent from school for the day).
I will be punctual.
I will manage my own behaviour. Behaviour consequences align with the school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan.
I will always try my hardest and be committed for a minimum of one semester to the choir.
I will attend performances and wear formal school uniform on these occasions.
Performance Uniform
Uniforms are required for students in years 4 – 6. Several options for performance uniform are acceptable:
- Unisex – new blue collared shirt, black long pants, black socks and shoes.
- Pre-existing blue button up collared shirt, black long pants, black socks and shoes.
- School uniform dress, white socks and black shoes.
Uniforms are available at the Uniform Shop on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Poco Voices – Year 3 Rehearse Friday 2:20 – 2:50pm (Singleton Music Room))
Mezzo Voices – Year 4 Rehearse Tuesday 7:45 am (Singleton music room)
Ragazzo Voices – Years 5/6 boys Rehearse Monday 7:45am (The Music room)
Grande Voices – Years 5/6 girls Rehearse Wed 7:45am (The Music room)
For more information and to register for the Choral Program please go to